Vanik Odisha General Knowledge Book

335.00 Original price was: ₹335.00.268.00Current price is: ₹268.00.
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The “Odisha General Knowledge Book” by Vanik is a comprehensive and insightful resource and it delves into the rich cultural heritage, historical significance, and natural wonders of the state of Odisha in India. With a wealth of information spanning various fields this book serves as a valuable compendium for anyone seeking to expand their knowledge about the region.

The book covers a wide range of topics, including Odisha’s history, geography, economy, art, literature, wildlife, and famous personalities. It provides readers with a deep understanding of the state’s ancient history. Also showcase the grandeur of its temples like the world-famous Konark Sun Temple, the architectural marvels of the Jagannath Temple in Puri, and the UNESCO World Heritage site of the caves of Udayagiri and Khandagiri.

In addition to historical and cultural aspects, the book also sheds light on Odisha’s modern development, industrial progress, and the significant contributions made by the state in various fields. It highlights the state’s prominent role in art and literature, featuring renowned poets, writers, and artists who have shaped Odisha’s cultural landscape.

The book’s attention to detail, easy-to-understand language, and visually appealing illustrations make it an engaging read for people of all ages. Whether you are a student preparing for competitive exams, a traveler wanting to explore Odisha, or a curious individual seeking knowledge, the “Odisha General Knowledge Book” by Vanik is an excellent companion that will deepen your understanding and appreciation for the state’s heritage and achievements.




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